Start Growing
- Set up an account. If you are tax-exempt, a signed E-595E form is required and your account will be updated.
- Order.
- Check out. When you check out you will be able to choose your ready week – minimum lead time is 10 weeks. For succession planting, please place a separate order for each Ready Week desired.
- Confirmation. We will process your order and email you a confirmation and 50% deposit requirement. Shipping will be double checked and boxes added. Please check your confirmation carefully as their is a limited time to make changes before sowing. Pay your deposit in a timely fashion.
- Ready! The week before your order is ready we will email the final invoice and confirm shipping, delivery or pick up day. Due to the nature of our product there may be adjustments to your final invoice – adjustments for poor germination, shipping, boxing requirements may be updated at this time.
Seed supply issues continue to be a problem in our industry. We will do our best to inform you if it’s necessary to make changes to your order.
Create an Account
Payment Terms
A 50% deposit is required when your order is confirmed. Please understand that this may not include shipping. The remainder of your order will be paid when it is shipped and will include the final costs for the order. Current Availability orders require payment in full at order confirmation. Payment can be made through our PayPal link or over the phone.
Shipping & Delivery Options
Please refer to our Shipping & Delivery page to learn more about the choices available for shipment and delivery or your order.